In 2011, the Laboratory of Valorization of Vegetal Resource and Food Security in Semi-Arid Areas(VVRFS), South West of Algeria was accredited, its mission has been defined, and the staff structure has been implemented to define its research activities into several research clusters, namely: microbiology and food safety, valorization of plant resources, Microbial ecology and Biological resources, as well as Water and environment.Each cluster is led by a Science Leader, with supporting Research Coordinators and Laboratory Assistants. The new research strategy of the VVRFS is aligned Algerians National Vision .
The integrated research endeavours of the VVRFS on microbial,food and biological sciences are supported by our class-leading research vessel; In addition, the VVRFS’s strategic partnerships have been recently strengthened through research-focused Memorandum of Understandings with overseas university and research centers.
The VVRFS is a valuable asset for research activities within and beyond Tahri Mohamed University of Bechar. We strive to involve our faculty members, researchers and students in our research and services, and make our facilities available wherever there is an opportunity to serve the community